Event information

Veterinary control: Friday, May 3rd 2024 10:00 – 12:00 or 13:00 – 15:00
Opening ceremony and entry march of the nations: Friday, May 3rd 2024   16:30
(Gathering for line-up at 16:15)
Drawing: Friday, May 3rd 2024 about 18:00
Training: Friday, May 3rd 2024 about 9:30 – 11:00
Start competition:

Saturday, May 4th 2024 (Team runs) about 14:00 – 16:30

Sunday, May 5th 2024 (Single runs) about 10:00 – 13:30

Award ceremony:: Sunday, May 5th 2024 – about 16:00
(Gathering for line-up at 15:30)

 A1, Agility WDSF open (A2 & A3) (each large)

Team runs
(more Info see below…)

Judge: Rene Blank (DE)
Registration beginning: Tuesday, January 2nd 2024
Registration deadline: Saturday, March 23rd 2024
Entry fee: 50 €

The team runs will be held in teams of 3, which are drawn by lot after the start numbers have been drawn.

Pacours: Smart99 https://www.smart-99.com/

Starting order Team Jumping

Results Team Run

Results Team Ranking

Results Individual